Monday, March 29, 2010

Activism log 6

Janet Audette

Prof. Nina Perez

WST 3015


Activism log 6

Activism: The only thing major left to accomplish before our event is to flyer and raise awareness about our Animal Safehouse. I have spent a lot of time passing out flyers in my neighborhood and the local dog park. I have also been talking to my roommates grandparents who are the head of the event comity in their neighborhood. I figured since they all own homes and are older or with families (a 40+ neighborhood) it would be a perfect target group.


Whenever I feel like I should take a break or stop raising awareness I realize that I am not doing this for myself. There are other people and other animals that are depending on me to help them through their day. Even if they don’t know who I am and I’ve never have and probably never will meet them I am still helping them. The reading "The Mommy Tax" caused me thought when taking it back to my activism. The places that I have been flyering all involved families of sorts with children. The mommy tax discusses all that woman have to give up in order to be a mom "The mommy tax is obviously highest for well-educated, high-income individuals... (Kirk Okazawa-Rey 339)." For me, this made my part in activism that much more important. Since women already have so much to lose, they shouldn't also have to worry about losing their best friend if they have to flee an abusive relationship.


Although the act of raising awareness is daunting and problematic you have to keep focused at the end result. For us, the upcoming event and the hope that we will find fosters for pets and many donations to help support the people who are struggling is our end result.

Kirk, Gwyn and Okazawa-Rey, Margo. "The Mommy Tax." Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 337-344.

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